Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Event: Moving into the New Internet World - IPv6 with PROGRESO Networks

The existing Internet based on Internet Protocol version 4 is running out of available addresses due to massive web growth, particularly Mobile Internet in both developed and developing nations and APNIC has started allocating the last /8 available IPv4 addresses since 15 April 2011.

In order to avoid the IPv4 address shortage, the next version of IP address, IPv6, is the solution that will provide 340 undecillion of available addresses as compared to just 4 billion of addresses in IPv4. Moving from IPv4 to IPv6 will encourage economic growth, innovation and foreign direct investment through continued Internet growth.


1.30pm                       Registration
2.00pm - 2.15pm       Welcome Speech & Company Introduction
                                 Mr Victor Tang, Director - PROGRESO Networks Pte Ltd

2.15pm - 3.00pm       Keynote Address -
                                 IPv6 Migration, Planning & Execution
                                 Prof. Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass, Director of National
                                 Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence (NAv6)

3.00pm - 3.45pm      Tea Break & Networking Session

3.45pm - 4.15pm      Speaker Slot

4.15pm - 4.45pm      Introduction of IPv6 Certification Courses
                                Mr Adil Hidayat, IPv6 Trainer, National Advanced IPv6 Centre of   

                                Excellence (NAv6)

4.45pm - 5.00pm      Q & A

CEOs, CIOs, IT Managers and other corporate decision makers who need to acquire basic IPv6 knowledge and understand the opportunities that lies ahead with IPv6.

For event RSVP, please email to or call us at +65 6509 9600 for more information.
Limited seats available. Kindly Register by 24 JUNE 2011