1. Consider buying devices that support and are compatible with IPv4 and IPv6
These can be devices that are upgradeable to IPV6 or that are ready today to do IPV6 and can be a hardware or a software system.
2.Check your internet facing devices
If you run a website, an e-commerce application, or a VPN appliance you need to check if it has any reliance on the IP address of the client systems.
3. Check how well is your hosting provider connected to IPv6
IPv4 world Tier 1 providers were very well-connected, charging everyone else to cross their networks. In the new IPv6 world though, these providers don’t have the same connectedness as they used to and have actually largely been replaced by mid-level players. The easiest way to check if your service provider is IPv6 ready is to ask them, and ask for evidence.
4. Do a proper plan in order to move smoothly and seamlessly from IPv4 to IPv6
The move to IPv6 may affect enterprise business continuity so planning an IPv6 move in detail is very important.
5. Ask your service provider about their stock of IPv4 addresses
If the service providers have been careful with their address allocations, they should have enough IPv4 addresses left to allow you to grow your business, but you should talk with them about your plans as early as you can, and maybe even reserve addresses for systems like websites, firewalls and load balancers that are connected directly to the net.
6.Create a comprehensive IPv6 strategy
The enterprise must understand that the major issue with IPV6 is really about creating the right kind of strategy and solution to deploy the new internet protocol.
7. Don’t wait until you are forced to to handle IPV6
It is good to plan ahead. Even if an enterprise was to get a dual stack today, they might not get a lot of traffic on it but at least they will get some experience with it.
8. Understand the new requirements of IPv6
Enterprises should focus on and understand that IPv6 will put new requirements on their domain name system architectures. One of the most significant modifications that IPv6 makes to IP is in the area of addressing, so this means that using DNS on IPv6 requires some changes to how the protocol works.
9. Not adopting IPv6 can limit enterprise customers
If enterprises do not adopt IPv6 in the short term, at some point they are going to start limiting people in communicating with their infrastructure, specifically if their customers are in Asia, in the US and Europe.
10. staff training for IPv6 is essential for all enterprises
Ensure your staff is familiar with IPv6; there are many IPv6 training course options available across the globe, from online education to face-to-face training. Organisations that have failed to get their IT staff critical knowledge about IPv6 will soon find themselves in desperate need of IPv6 experience.