Monday, 3 September 2012

IPv6 Introductory Workshop - Aug 2012

Businesses that continue to rely solely on IPv4 technology and have no plans to implement the new version protocol - IPv6 technology in the near future will risk running into a host of business challenges. Problems may occur from increasing costs, limits website functionality to inhibit critical growth opportunities in emerging markets and beyond if there is no transition made from IPv4 to IPv6 technology.

Progreso Networks had organised a half day Introductory Workshop on 31 August 2012 to equip network professionals with a quick understanding on IPv6 technology through some topics such as the evolution of IPv6, IPv6 Improvement and Features, IPv6 Security and IPv4 to IPv6 Co-Existence Overview.

If you had missed the above event and wish to attend the workshop, please email us at, we will try to make it possible for you.